Friday, May 23, 2008

David Blaine Street Magic

By far the best parody of that douchebag David Blaine I've ever seen.

DVD Piracy Public Service Announcement

McLuvin is back and ready to tell you how he feels about DVD piracy!

New Republican Slogan

Some things are soooooo true they do not require an explanation. Click here to see:

Friday, May 16, 2008

Shopping in Israel

Ok, this one's been on the web for a while but it's still a favorite of mine and not a bad way to waste 18 seconds of your life. Let's hear it for the Gaza Strip!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fuck the Earth Day

Finally a holiday that speaks to me!!! I don't know where they found this crazy old dude but he should be running for president.

(Just ignore that no talent hack from SNL for a few seconds at the beginning and the end and I guarantee that you'll friggin love this one. Trust me.)